In 2024, researchers emerged possible evidence of ancient life in March, implying that Alzheimer’s disease can be spread from person to person and a host of other scientific findings that could be a great deal-if they are the agreement of True.
Martian germs, maybe
Foreign microbes may have once made their home in March (Sn: 8/24/24, p. 6). In July, the Persianance Rover of NASA discovered a rock on the red planet that white sports spots with black rings wet with iron phosphate (See page 28). On Earth, such peppers have been associated with ancient microbial life. But they are not safe signs of germs. The only way to know for sure is for the rock to return to the ground for a closer inspection.

Turning on supervisory
Light can be the secret ingredient to make super -transitors who do not require solid conditions. In one experiment, the explosion of a copper and oxygen complex with a laser led the material to dump the magnetic fields. This magnetism, scientists say, is a smoking weapon for supervision – the ability to track electricity without resistance (Sn: 8/10/24, p. 6). But skeptics claim that those magnetic fields may have arisen from any other, unknown physics.

Ancient engineering
The builders used a water elevator to build the first Egyptian pyramid nearly 4,700 years ago, proposes researchers (Sn: 9/7/24 & 9/21/24, p. 11). This controversial idea is based on a computer model of structures in and around the Djoser step pyramid. Checking the flood water flow inside and outside a axis inside the pyramid could have set up and lower a block platform, the model shows. But critics argue that random rains would not have supplied enough water to maintain such a system.

Tectonic shock
The tile tectonics departed for an early beginning in Earth’s history, suggests a rock in South Africa. Layers in rolling rolling rolling 3 billion -year -old landslides that may have been caused by an earthquake (Sn: 4/6/24, p. 6). That earthquake, scientists say, could have been caused by the crustal collision plate. Finding supports the contested idea that tile tectonics date back to 2.8 billion years. But other geologists are not convinced that this earthquake marks the beginning of global tile tectonics.

Middle size, maximum hype
For the first time, astronomers may have noticed a medium black hole in our galaxy (Sn: 8/10/24, p. 7). The telescope data suggests that a black hole at least 8,200 times more massive than the sun falls into the group of Omega Centauri stars. But another study opposes the claim. Instead, the group of stars could carry a crowd with smaller black holes (Sn: 8/20/24).

Alzheimer transmitted?
Alzheimer’s disease is not contagious in everyday life, but in extremely rare conditions, it can be spread from one person to another (Sn: 2/24/24, p. 6). Five people who in childhood received contaminated growth hormone injections later developed early Alzheimer’s early chances because hormones were painted with amyloid-beeta, a protein of which is associated with the disease, researchers say. But it is not yet clear if the growth hormones are blamed, other experts notice. Perhaps the health conditions those hormones were aimed at treating or other medical procedures led to the development of Alzheimer’s in these patients.

Pouring light on dark energy
Dark energy may have received even more mysterious. Enigmatic materials, which make up most of the cosmos, are generally thought to maintain a constant density. But new observations of 6.4 million galaxies and quases from the dark -energy spectroscopic instrument, or desi, are paired with data on explosion stars, cast doubt on that idea. These data fit more closely to a model of the universe in which the relationship between the density of dark energy and its pressure varies over time (Sn: 5/4/24 & 5/18/24, p. 6). If confirmed, this finding would rewrite the history of the universe. Experts are holding the judgment until Desi completed his study of over 30 million more galaxies (Sn: 12/14/24 & 12/28/24, p. 7).

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