Brain implants for depression: sounds like scientific fiction but it is true. Deep enda new podcast from Scientific news, I will give you a brief appearance of what is like living with electrodes in your brain. Can change how you think about mental health, brain and what makes you you.

Laura Sanders: Within your brain, there are billions of nerve cells that form trillions of bonds. These links make your thoughts, movements, emotions and memories. Your first kiss, your favorite song, your dreams. Our brains make us what we are. But sometimes they can betray us.
This is a story for four people whose brains turned against them, immersing their lives in the darkness of severe depression. This is also a story for an experiment created to pull them back.
Amanda: My starting response was a little skepticism, as, “okay, we will put a box on you, we will connect it in some wires, we will remove them in your brain and then we will electrify you, and It will make you feel good.
Sanders: This experiment sounds like scientific fiction, but it is true. This is the deep end, a new podcast from Science News. I’m Laura Sanders. In this podcast, you will hear what prompted people to enroll in this unconventional experiment and how it was for them.
Jon Nelson: The amount of times that I have had people to say to me, “Sprinkle from it. What do you do, boy. You have a great life. You are having success professionally. You have great children. Your wife is great. As , what should you be in depression?
Sanders: You will also hear from family members, doctors and scientists who have tried to turn this electricity into a drug for the brain.
Helen Mayberg: And so it was very surprising when we arrive at the third contact, and we begin to turn it, and reach about 5 volts. Liking as if it ranges from 0 to 10. And all of a sudden, the patient goes, “Oh, that’s interesting. Void is gone.” I don’t even know how to explain. I can’t speak for anyone else. There is a moment where it doesn’t You’re not even what you’ve seen as soon as it happens.
Sanders: I have reported the brain for more than a decade. This story, more than any other, changed how I think about mental health, emotions and how we can appear for each other in this world. It can simply do the same for you.
Barbara Nelson: But my son, my middle son, said to me, immediately, he said, “You know, Mom, if you are crazy with dad, you can always hide the loader.” I was like, “Oh, boy, that’s too far away. That’s too far away.”
Sanders: Sign up at the deep end wherever you get your podcast.
This podcast was produced with support from Prx, John S. Foundation and James L. Knight and WellCome Burroughs fund. The Podcast logo was created by Neil Webb.
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